Friday, August 6, 2010

Word Time Ministries’ 15th Annual General Meeting & Awards Ceremony: A World Class Event

Word Time Ministries’ 15th Annual General Meeting & Awards Ceremony: A World Class Event

By Trevesa DaSilva Ashman

Kingston, Jamaica - February 3, 2009

A wonderful group of committed persons gathered in the Talk of the Town Room at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel on Saturday January 31, 2008 to celebrate the 15th anniversary of an organization which has been quietly but consistently making a difference with the living word in the lives of young people. The event was the Word Time Ministries of Jamaica’s 15th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Awards Ceremony held under the theme “Renewed by Thy Grace.”

In his remarks, Chairman of the Ministry and Master of Ceremonies for the occasion, Mr. R. Michael Schurton J.P., noted that members of the Ministry were called to be ‘God’s instrument of change to the nation.’ He noted that while we have been facing an economic recession, we have been facing a moral recession as well. However despite our personal constraints, we should look beyond our own problems and move forward in making a difference in the life of a child. “Let us all get involved and be an agent of change,” he challenged the audience in the room.

Immediate Past President, Pastor Richard Lawrence also extended a challenge noting that “we can save the nation by helping one child at a time” and encouraged members to ‘stay true to the trust we have been given.” He noted that he was pleased to have served this noble organization for the past three years and that he looks forward to working with the incoming President in taking the Ministry even further.

Word Time Ministries History
Word Time Ministries, which was established in October 1994 to promote spiritual and social values among young people through the distribution of Bibles as well as through outreach activities, began with a contribution of just $500. However since its inception until now, over $7 million dollars worth of donations has been received (please verify). Over the period 2008, over $400,000 was received in revenues, a 15% increase over the previous year and over a million Bibles were distributed through the organization’s Christian Education programme.

In addition to the reports of activities in 2008 from the various executive members of the Ministry, the AGM also featured soul stirring performances from the likes of Noretta Lewis (JCDC Gospel 2000 Winner); Kimiela ‘Candy’ Isaacs (JCDC Multi Gold Medalist); Andrew Dixon (JCDC Gospel 2008 2nd Place Winner) and Deneese Wright (Gospel Artiste). A major highlight of the event saw presentations of various awards including the Grace Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Rev. Dr. Hope McCormack; Ten Years Long Service Award presented to the two founding members of the Ministry Rev. Paul D. Gallimore J.P. and R. Michael Schurton J.P. Rev. Dr. Hope won both the Fundraiser of the Year Award and the Director of the Year. The Member of the Year was presented to Desrine Bennett.

Another highlight of the AGM was the passing of the ‘presidential baton’ from Immediate Past President Richard Lawrence to incoming President Rev. Paul D. Gallimore J.P. In his address, Rev. Gallimore shared that the number 15 signifies new beginning and he was grateful for the opportunity of being President. He reminded us that we are creatures of time and made reference to Ecclesiastics which states that there is a time for everything. He further went on to state that purpose has time and since we are creatures of time, then we have a purpose and so whether our time here on earth is short or long, we should “endeavour to find and fulfill our purpose, no matter the obstacles we face. “Someone who does not know their purpose or who knows it but fails to fulfill it, eventually falls into a state of disrepair,” he cautioned, drawing parallels to the story of Jonah in the Bible, who though he was told his purpose, tried to hide from it, but kept on falling deeper and deeper. It was not until he decided to stand up and fulfill his purpose that he began to rise. In closing, he reminded us that with renewed energy and by the grace of God, “Yes We Can!”

All in all the AGM and Awards Ceremony was a world class event that far exceeded the expectations of those who attended. Described as the best Word Time AGM ever, the occasion ended with words of prayer followed by servings of scrumptious food provided by the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel. It was a wonderful experience which left those in attendance feeling refreshed, renewed and equipped for greater service in 2009. Word Time Ministries of Jamaica Annual General Meeting and Excellence Awards Ceremony was a class act and a world class event.

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