Saturday, July 31, 2010

Word Time Ministries of Jamaica nominated for the Gleaner Honour Award 2003

Word Time Ministries of Jamaica nominated for the Gleaner Honour Award 2003

By Trevesa DaSilva

I WRITE to nominate Word Time Ministries of Jamaica for the Gleaner Honour Award 2003 in the category of Voluntary Services. Word Time Ministries of Jamaica, this year, is celebrating its ninth year of service to the nation. From a small humble beginning in St. James by a team of Christian young people, the ministry during this short time has expanded its role from that of Bible distribution to the adoption of a number of children homes, food distribution and many other areas in order to create a better society and to lay the foundation for an ordered society which cares for the disenfranchised.

Word Time Ministries of Jamaica is a non-profit youth organisation which was founded by a small group of Christian youth primarily for the purpose of distributing Bibles and other Christian literature to students in primary, junior high and all-age schools, civic leaders and other individuals in need of the Word of God. In addition, the ministry has also identified and addressed other social issues, which exists in hospitals, children's homes and other institutions.


The ministry has staged numerous events for children in homes, schools and communities. Among these are sports championships, cultural championships, fruit festival, back-to-school presentations and fun days. The ministry also visited the rural community of Spring Village, in which an evangelistic children's relay was staged. The ministry also stages an annual awards ceremony, which is planned by young people. The aim of the awards is to promote excellence among the young people of the ministry and the children of the homes, in personal achievements, character development, discipline and deport

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