Word Time Ministries of Jamaica…Committed to Discipleship...Dedicated to Service
Kingston, Jamaica, August 10, 2010
The Word about Word Time Ministries
What is Word Time Ministries of Jamaica?
Word Time Ministries of Jamaica is a non-profit, youth organization, which was established out of a burning desire to share the Living Word of God with others through the free distribution of Bibles and the teaching of God’s Holy Word to individuals. The Ministry was also founded in obedience to the great commission to “go therefore into all the world”. The Ministry’s purpose is also to care for the spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of the marginalized, vulnerable, the disposed and the loss. The Ministry targets the nation’s youth that are at risk and who need to be guided by the Word of God to be able to face the challenges of life and to cope with society’s ills by the application of Godly principles. The vision is for young people of faith to influence the lives of other young people with the living word of God and through the engagement of practical ministry.
When was the Ministry Established?
Word Time Ministries of Jamaica was founded on Tuesday, October 25, 1994, in Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica.
What is the Role of the Ministry?
The organization also seeks to address physical and social needs existing within the framework of schools and institution for children such as drug abuse, violence and lack of spiritual guidance and values. The Ministry’s special outreach programme is extended to hospitals, children's homes, churches and other institutions.
Who is the main focus of the Ministry?
Jesus Christ is the main focus of the ministry. The ministry is committed to presenting Jesus Christ as the Saviour and Lord to the nation's youth, encouraging them to read and study God's Word and to make a personal commitment to have Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.
Why are we involved in this work?
Our involvement in this outreach work is in obedience of the command to carry out the great commission of Matthew 28:19, "Go therefore and teach all nations..."
Motivated by love, endued with the power of the Holy Spirit and graced by the character of service, we boldly go forward in the mighty name of Jesus. We strive to answer the cries and anguish of the nation's youth; our future and our heritage.
Who manages the affairs of the Ministry?
The Board of Directors has its primary responsibilities for the general direction and control of the Ministry. The Board of Directors is empowered to make policies, which will seek to sustain, develop and create growth for the Ministry. The Board of Directors acts for and on behalf of the entire membership and performs numerous functions in the execution of its duties. The Board of Directors establishes, develops and approves policies for the Ministry. Policies are review periodically to be current and relevant in keeping with the operation and also provide the general direction of the Ministry
The Board of Directors authorizes the National Executive Committee (NEC) to administer the organization’s affairs; carry out the administrative and operational functions and act on behalf of the Board of Directors in all matters in which the National Executive Committee is competent and authorized to act. The National Executive Board is responsible for managing the affairs of the Ministry consistent with its policies, mission, objectives and goals.
The Board of Directors appoints The National Executive Committee, which comprises the National President, General Secretary, Vice Presidents and Ministerial Directors, senior members of the Ministry appointed to the committee and the executive members of the Youth Board. The National Executive Committee in responsible for the planning, implementation and control of outreach, events, projects and any other duties so assigned by the Board. The National Executive Committee comprises a number of ministries and sub-committees with respective portfolios. The National Executive Committee is the highest decision body of the Ministry outside of the Board of Directors.
Who are the Leaders of the Ministry?
Bishop the Hon. Dr. Carmen Lois Stewart O.J., O.D., J.P.
Advisory Council:
Rev. Dr. Hope McCormack J.P., Chair
Rev. Paul D. Gallimore J.P.
Rev. Yvonne G. Dixon,
Rev. Paul A. Johnson
Rev. Ascott Keith McCormack
Board of Directors:
R. Michael Schurton J.P., Chairman
Rev. Paul D. Gallimore J.P.
Rev. Dr. Hope McCormack J.P.
Pastor Richard Christopher Lawrence
Dionne-Sheree Smith, General Secretary
Lisa-Gaye Anderson, Board Secretary
Tanesha C. Facey, Director
Desrine Bennett, Director
National Executive Committee
Rev. Ascott Keith McCormack, Chaplain
Rev. Dr. Hope McCormack J.P., Executive Director
Rev. Paul D. Gallimore J.P., National President
Pastor Richard Christopher Lawrence, Past President
Dionne-Sheree Smith, General Secretary
Lisa-Gaye Anderson, Vice President, Membership
Sandra Martin, Director of School’s Mission
Desrine Bennett, Director of Marketing
Sonia Lynch, Director of Hospitality
Tanesha Facey, Director of Accounting
Candy Moria Edwards, Member
Presidents Club
Roxanne Schurton
Jodion Henry
Trevesa DaSilva-Ashman
Sonia Lynch
Who are its members?
The members of the Ministry are young people of faith who believe each person can make a difference. We are from various communities, schools, places of employment, and churches. We are unique in our own ways with varying backgrounds, training, and experience. Despite our different personalities, we are one spirit and in Lord. We share one vision and one purpose. We speak in one voice with the power of God. We profess one faith and pursue one desire, that of glorifying God and serving Him with a pure heart. We are dedicated Christians who believe in the entire Bible, have Jesus as the head and leader of everything thing that we do and our mission is based on the life transforming Word of God. We are dedicated, creative, and innovative in promoting spiritual and social values. We recognize that we have a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and therefore maintain individuality in our Christian walk and the fulfilling of our personal ministry. We are a happy band of young people in the Ministry and are seeking to inspire positive attitudes in our society, by developing a greater appreciation for the word of God.
What is the aim of the Ministry’s work?
Our work aims at reaching the hearts and minds of the nation’s youth with the life changing word of God. Promoting spiritual values therein is the heartbeat of our mission. Our work is a tangible one, that of distributing Bibles. Our service is both tangible and intangible as we seek to make positive changes to the lives and character of people and to care for their physical and emotional needs.
Why focus on young people?
Young people are bombarded with many pressures. Many of the nation’s youth are affected by a range of things from drugs, abuse, gun related and other crimes, to neglect and a lack of spiritual guidance.
Why do young people need spiritual guidance?
Many young people feel all alone and sometimes have no support from family, friends, and their peers. A large number of young people feel that there is no hope, no love and no one to care, and so are even contemplating suicide, while some have even attempted. Satan is raging a war against our children and is trying to corrupt and influence their thoughts and actions. They need spiritual and social values to fortify them from society's ills and the moral decadence that exist in homes, schools and communities.
Does the Ministry provide the avenue for young people to reach others?
Word Time Ministries provide committed Christian youth with the opportunity to share the gospel individually and collectively with students. The ministry is committed to raging war on the plans of Satan with the love of God and the power of His holy Word and to rescue young people from the clutches of evil and moral decadence. The Ministry is aiming to provide training to our members in the basic ministry skills of prayer, evangelism, discipleship and leadership training. The Ministry is committed to spiritual and social service to the nation. This is accomplished through Bible distribution, practical ministry at children’s home, visit to the sick and afflicted at hospitals, and staging of evangelistic services in schools. In additional there is the distribution of foods, clothing and other supplies to the needy. Foremost among this service is the faithful and fervent prayers for the nation by the entire membership.
What is the Mission Statement?
“Our mission is to facilitate transformation through service and the Word, empowering people to make a difference in the lives of others and to Glorify God.”
What is the Vision of the Ministry?
The Vision of the Ministry is that our nation increases under the direction, inspiration and guidance of God with righteous, peace and prosperity. The Vision is to impact on the nation with a new generation of young people who are productive, confident, responsible and spiritually conscious of their God given purpose to make a difference in the lives of others. The Vision is to provide spiritual and social service through evangelism, outreach, and practical ministry in order to influence minds, and to reach the hearts of people through the Living Word of God. The vision is to train, educate, edify and equip committed Christian young people to teach others about the life changing Word of God and to boldly declare the good news of salvation.
What is the organization’s Motto?
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105.
What are the main objectives?
1. To provide the opportunity for the development of leadership and service, within a spiritual environment.
2. To distribute Bibles and other Christian literature as a tool by which spiritual and moral values can be created and developed within our youth.
3. To promote the reading, studying and application of the principles and teachings of the Bible.
4. To provide counseling in the areas of drug abuse, violence and other issues.
5. To provide on-going Christian education to member, students and others with a desire to learn more about God’s Word.
6. To encourage members of the ministry to lead outstanding Christian lives, become good role models and actively involved in evangelism.
7. To provide encouragement and training for our members to fulfill their personal ministry.
8. To promote the exchange of ideas and ideals, lively and wholesome fellowship and worship.
How Can I Help the Ministry to Grow?
You too can help to instill spiritual and social values within the nation's youth and actively engage in practical ministry by:
1. Praying for the work of the Ministry and its outreach programmes.
2. Applying for membership and becoming a member of Word Time Ministries of Jamaica.
3. Giving faithfully and consistently your financial support and seeking such support from other individuals, companies and institutions.
4. Assisting the Ministry in securing sponsorship for Bibles, food, clothing and other items for distribution to other in need.
5. Attending and participation at the various outreach activities, events and programmes of the Ministry. In addition you should make your presence felt as a joyful worker for the kingdom of God, and not be a mere spectator.
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