Monday, August 2, 2010

George Headley Primary & Word Time Ministries bat for Peace… Peace Day Bible Presentation Outreach scored big

George Headley Primary & Word Time Ministries bat for Peace… Peace Day Bible Presentation Outreach scored big

Kingston, Jamaica, March 6, 2008

They assembled noisily yet eagerly into the corridors upstairs and downstairs. This morning’s devotion was not like any other mornings. There were visitors today and the over 1400 curious children wanted to see who these strange faces were. The place was George Headley Primary School in Duhaney Park, Kingston, Jamaica and the occasion was a Bible Presentation ceremony being held in the school’s Peace Day devotion on Tuesday, March 4, 2008. The strange yet friendly and compassionate faces were members from the outreach ministry Word Time Ministries of Jamaica and while this occasion was new for the students of George Headley, this was a regular calendar event for the organization.

Members of the Ministry were at the school from early morning to ensure that everything would go as planned. It was a team effort and each person played a role in completing the preparations for the event. However, mindful of the source of strength, the ministry team took time out to have a word of prayer. Fortified and strengthened for ministry the team was now fully ready for the mission ahead.

The devotion kicked off at approximately 8:05am, when the students were finally settled. One of the Vice Principals of the school Mrs. Daintie Hemans managed to get their attention within minutes. She introduced Sandra Martin, Director of Schools Mission of Word Time Ministries of Jamaica, who called everyone to worship. What followed after was a beautiful combination of sorts as the Peace Day celebrations of the school merged with the Bible Presentation Ceremony of the outreach ministry. Students and school officials combined with members of Word Time Ministries in a wonderful time of outreach. The day was a tremendous success as George Headley Primary bat for Peace on the annual Peace day celebration. The Peace Day outreach and evangelism programme was a big hit with students and teachers. There was absolutely no hint of discord, or violence on the grounds of George Headley. The enemy of disunity, division and violence received a massive blow straight away from over the walls of the school grounds. Thoughts of conflicts, fights and coarseness were knocked out with the power of the Word of God.

The theme for the ceremony showed the important role of the Word of God in having peace and was merged with the general Peace Day theme “Being steadfast in learning the Word gives Peace for Prosperity.” Songs of praises and quotes of peace interspersed with verses of peace read by each grade dominated the devotion. The song “Love is a flag” which was appropriately changed to ”Peace is a flag” led by Sandra Martin and sang enthusiastically by the students resounded with beauty and peace across the school compound located on Baldwin Crescent. Even a number of parents took the time out to witness and participate in the event. “This is a good initiative….very well done” commented one of the parents after the ceremony. The students’ talents were also showcased as they skillfully recited a dub poem entitled “Peace” and the poem “Decade of Touching Lives” written by Jodion Henry.

In her greetings, the Principal Veronica Wynter welcomed the Ministry and noted that this was an important and worthwhile event because as “we celebrate peace day we also celebrate for a better home, a better school and a better community”.

Word Time Ministries’ Chairman, Michael Schurton J.P. in his greetings which was read by Evangelist Michael McIntosh, quoted from John14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you”. He said the scripture text was the word he wanted to leave on the minds and hearts of the students. He stated that Peace would flow in Jamaica when more of our people become part of the Kingdom of God and live the Kingdom principles of Peace. He emphasized that the kingdom of God is a place for Peace, love and harmonious living. In his greetings he asked students to declare “I will be at peace, I will speak of peace, I will be an agent of peace.” The students were equal to the task. They were bowled over with the invitation to promote peace and they shouted loudly with confidence and conviction the message of peace. The atmosphere at George Headley was now fever pitched and filled with expectation of what was to come next.

Now, it was time for the Word which was delivered by Word Time Ministries of Jamaica, President, Pastor Richard Lawrence. Pastor Lawrence encouraged the students from Colossians 3:15, 16 imploring them to “let the peace of Christ rule in their hearts” and encouraged them to be peacemakers. Pastor Lawrence also appealed to the students, teachers and parents to read the Word of God so it can dwell within them and hence spring forth peace. He noted that the Ministry was happy to be associated with George Headley Primary and that they would pray that the school would be peaceful not just today but always. He added that this activity was the first of many more joint activities between the school and the Ministry.

After the short but powerful message, a symbolic presentation was done, with 6 students from each grade receiving a Bible and the Caribbean edition of “The Word Today”. Presentations were also made to the Principal and Vice Principal. After the vote of thanks, which was ably done by young Casanique McCormack from Grade 6, all stood and faced the flag to sing the national anthem. The Vice Principal dismissed the assembly at approximately 9:10am while students led off to their classes singing and rocking to the famous yet fitting tune “One love, One heart.” All members of the ministry team led by President Richard Lawrence, Vice Presidents, Sonia Lynch, Sandra Martin, Director of Schools Mission, Michael McIntosh and Director of Public Relations, Trevesa DaSilva-Ashman visited with the students in their respective classrooms. Forty Six Bibles along with copies of the Caribbean edition of “The Word Today” were presented. Peace Day at George Headley was one awesome day. The atmosphere was saturated with prayers, worship and the anointed word of God. Students, teachers, and parents sang songs of peace and love and praises to God with sincere hearts. They cried out to Jesus Christ, the prince of Peace for peace to reign in their hearts, school, homes, communities and the nation. The day’s activities were a clear indication that “Peace for Prosperity” can indeed reign supreme.

Reflection on the annual Peace Day Bible Presentation Ceremony at the George Headley Primary School, Kingston, Jamaica, by Trevesa DaSilva-Ashman/Michael Schurton

March 6, 2008

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