Monday, October 4, 2010

Board Appoints Pastor as New President...Founding member takes on Mantle

Board Appoints Pastor as New President...Founding member takes on Mantle
Rev. Paul Gallimore now new president

January 31, 2009

By Trevesa DaSilva Ashman and Michael Schurton

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Word Time Ministries of Jamaica, R. Michael Schurton J.P. is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Paul David Gallimore as the new National President effective January 31, 2009.

Rev. Paul Gallimore is a founding member of the 15 year old ministry, founded in 1994. He has been elevated to the presidency by full acclaim of the ministry, in which he has been a dedicated member since October 1994. He has served the organization with much zeal, dedication and commitment.

His work and association with the ministry has been long and varied. In April 1992, he served as a Consultant in the areas of ministry and administration to a team of young people who had a desire to establish a youth organization to minister to other young people in Western Jamaica. His work bore fruit as two years later the organization, Word Time Ministries of Jamaica was established of which he became a founding member on October 25, 1994. His unwavering commitment and dedication to the establishment, growth and development of Word Time Ministries of Jamaica has continued and he has since served in various capacities in the Ministry from a member to Chairman of the Boards of Trustees and Directors.

He was also appointed Vice President - Prayer & Evangelism, (December 9, 1994-1998), and has been the Director of Prayer and Evangelism until present; Chairman of the Board of Directors (May 15, 1995-2005), and Chairman of the Board of Trustees (December 10, 1996-2000). Rev. Gallimore has successfully led “Team Hope” to two of five consecutive victories in the Annual Sports Championships as Team Consultant. He has also served in a leadership role with the other Ministry’s Teams namely “Faith” and “Love”.

Since joining the Ministry he has consistently worked faithfully behind the scenes as a key intercessor and advisor and he now takes on a more public role as the new National President.

His favourite scripture text from Philippians 4:13 is, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me” and we know that he will be relying greatly on the help of the Lord to fulfill his role as the new President of the Ministry. Additionally we are assured that he will be endeavouring to exemplify the lives of his two favourite Bible Characters -the Apostle Paul and King David, as he performs his service to the Ministry.

Dedicated, faithful, trustworthy and a God fearing man, Rev. Paul Gallimore is one who cares deeply about the things of God. At the early age of nine years old, he surrendered his life by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour. On Tuesday, October 22, 1963, he was baptized by his father Bishop David Gallimore, as a public demonstration of his Christian faith.

Rev. Gallimore’s commitment to the work of the Ministry is without question and had remained faithful to the organization even during challenging times. He has participated in almost every aspect of the work of the Ministry. He has served as member of the Ministry’s Sports Foundation for the past eight years. He has won several awards at the ministry’s Annual Excellence Awards, including the ministry’s highest award, the Life Time Achievement Award on May 17, 2003 in recognition of his distinguished service to the nation for over 25 years, in the fields of Religion, Christian Education and Community Development. He has the distinction of receiving the Long Service Award for 5 years of service on February 26, 2000, Long Service Award for 10 years on October 2, 2005, and this year January 2009, the Long Service for 15 years of service. He has been inducted in both the Chairman’s and Patron’s Clubs.

President Paul Gallimore succeeds Immediate Past President Richard Lawrence whose term of office expired December 31, 2008. President Lawrence served two consecutive terms having being appointed January 26, 2005. The Ministry’s first National President was Michael Schurton who served five terms from 1994-2004 spanning over a decade. He retired from that position in 2004.

President Gallimore who is currently the Pastor for the Bible Way International Church, located in a small rural town of St. James, was recruited by Chairman, Michael Schurton and has taken on the mantle as president of the Ministry at a critical time in the life of the organization. The Board and the entire membership is earnestly praying that he will rise to the challenges of the office of President and continue to play an even greater role in making a difference with the living word.

Paul David Gallimore’s Timeline of Service to Word Time Ministries

April 1992 - Consultant and Advisor

October 25, 1994 - Founding member of the Ministry

December 9, 1994 - Vice President (Prayer and Evangelism)

December 10, 1996 - Chairman Board of Trustees

May 15, 1995 - Appointed Chairman of the Board and Director of Prayer

and Evangelism

December 3, 2008 - Nominated as National President by the Board

January 31, 2009 - Board appointed, by acclaim, as the third National President and installed at the 15th Annual General Meeting, Kingston, Jamaica.

National Presidents

Michael Schurton 1994- 2004

Richard Lawrence 2005- 2008

Paul Gallimore 2009-2010

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